Slope Instability

Gravitational instabilities have a strong social impact in mountainous regions such as the Alps and can hinder local development. Being able to understand and predict such these instabilities and their causes has thus become a critical research subject. ISTerre and OSUG are important contributes to the Multidisciplinary Observatory for Slope Instabilities (OMIV) and the observatory workshop for cliff erosion.

Multidisciplinary Observatory of Slope Instability - OMIV

**Scientific Objectives
Landslides have an important societal impact in many mountainous, hilly and coastal regions throughout the world. Monitoring is an essential to enhancing understanding of the physical processes that control their slop movement (failure, spreading) and to predict their behavior in time and space. Monitoring slope instability thus represents a major scientific and social issue.
The objective of the National Observatory of Slope Instability (OMIV) is to provide (…)

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Cliffs observatory

**Scientific objectives Falling rocks are a natural risk of utmost importance in the foothills of the Alps, in particular in the Grésivaudan Valley. This has led to dense constructions, hundreds of meters tall, at the cliff bases. The systematic study of this phenomenon address relevant activity as well as the precise estimation of the impact of rockslides.
This workshop-observatory is motivated by the creation of referential morphological cliff measurements, associated with precise time (…)

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