Séminaire ISTerre

Modeling continuous waveforms of induced seismicity sequences and other adventures at low amplitude

mardi 6 février 2024 - 11h00
Laura Ermert - ETH - Zürich
The availability of high-performance computing systems and elaborate solvers for the wave equation have established wave propagation modeling as an important tool in seismology. Full-waveform modeling is increasingly applied to inverse problems concerning seismic sources and Earth structure, such as moment tensor inversion and adjoint tomography. In this talk, I will speak about less conventional applications of waveform modeling in seismology, in particular, problems that involve simulating the waveforms associated with multiple distributed, small, or poorly known sources. I will briefly introduce ambient seismic source inversion based on pre-computed wavefield simulations. Then, I will dedicate the main part of the talk to recent work on synthesizing the continuous waveforms of induced seismicity sequences as a benchmarking and possible future hazard assessment tool. This work was carried out with a focus on induced seismicity caused by hydraulic stimulations for the creation of an enhanced geothermal system at the Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE).

Equipe organisatrice : Ondes et structures

Amphithéâtre Killian, Maison des Géosciences, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

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