Séminaire ISTerre

Advancements in Volcano Seismology through Classical and Machine Learning Techniques

jeudi 23 novembre 2023 - 11h00
Zahra Zali - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam
Volcano seismology plays an important role in understanding and predicting volcanic eruptions. Analyzing seismic records, particularly volcanic tremor signals, offers insight into evolving volcanic activity, aiding in eruption prediction. The growing volume of seismic data presents challenges in extraction and interpretation, crucial for timely decision-making during crises. This talk introduces a method to extract volcanic tremors from the seismic signals. This approach provides a clean tremor signal suitable for tremor investigations. Further, an advanced machine learning model will be presented which can automatically detect seismic signatures of major eruptive phases. It chronicles the volcanic system’s evolution and can identify subtle precursory tremors, serving as potential indicators of imminent eruptions. Extracted seismic patterns and their temporal variations can offer insights into transition mechanisms between eruptive phases. The talk explores the potential of these findings in understanding and predicting volcanic behavior.

Equipe organisatrice : Ondes et structures

Amphithéâtre Killian, Maison des Géosciences, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

Informations de visio :


ID de réunion : 817 255 9109