Séminaire ISTerre

Paleoseismicity along the Middle Strand of North Anatolian Fault (MNAF), NW Turkey

mercredi 28 juin 2023 - 10h00
Edward Duarte - postdoc EDYTEM/ISTerre
Understanding earthquake recurrence patterns is important for producing reliable seismic hazard assessments, which can be used to increase societal awareness and preparedness in case of future catastrophic events. However, there are still fault segments, like the middle Strand of the North Anatolian Fault (MNAF), where paleoseismic record is sparse and speculative at best. Here we report on the sedimentology of three long sediment cores retrieved from Lake Iznik, NW Turkey. We integrate radiocarbon age-depth modeling, sedimentological observations, XRF scanning, and seismic reflection to constrain the nature and chronology of event deposits, that cover the last ~20000 years, allowing for understanding earthquake cycles in the MNAF. Combined with previous data on paleoseismicity in Turkey, the results enhance the non-stationary hypothesis of seismicity throughout the MNAF occurring in clusters of ~1500-year periods, alternating with quiet periods of similar length, for the late Holocene. This study will allow us to propose maximally possible magnitudes of large paleoearthquakes, constituting an important input for seismic hazard assessment in the MNAF.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle Dolomieu, Maison des Géosciences, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères