Séminaire ISTerre

Tremor patterns and source synchronization in the subduction zone plumbing system

jeudi 2 février 2023 - 15h00
Gaspard Farge - IPGP
In subduction zones, tremor occurs in bursts, alongside great fluid pressure variations in the fault zone. The activity of tremor is characterized by a high degree of intermittence, migrations, and is often quasi-periodic. Those spatio-temporal patterns can emerge from the synchronization of elementary tremor sources, as they interact through the fluid pressure field. In this talk, I will present a model of tremor generation solely forced by the dynamics of fluid circulation in the subduction fault zone. Using its results, I will detail how the segmentation of tremor intermittence along the strike of subduction zones can be caused by the spatial variations of the fault zone's hydraulic properties. This work provides a general framework to understand how unsteady fluid transport in geological plumbing systems can emerge, and shape the intermittence of seismicity therein.

Equipe organisatrice : Cycle sismique et déformations transitoires

Salle pangée, Maison des Géosciences, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

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