Séminaire ISTerre

Surface rupturing earthquakes and active fault studies across Australia and the Tien Shan // Active Tectonics of the Northern Pamir Margin

mardi 22 mars 2022 - 11h00
Tamarah King and Benedict Johnston - COMET, University of Oxford
This talk presents my past and current work on active faults and earthquakes in Australia and the Tien Shan (Central Asia) from an earthquake geology, paleoseismology and seismic hazard perspective. First, I present past work on the eleven historic surface rupturing earthquakes of Australia (1968 – 2018). ‘Active’ faults and earthquakes in Australia behave very differently to those in plate-boundary settings and raise challenging questions about strain, tectonics, and quantifying seismic hazard. I will then describe my current work which includes building an active fault database across the Tien Shan, quantifying hazard and risk around cities in Central Asia, and working with historic aerial imagery and satellite-derived LIDAR to quantify off-fault deformation and active faulting. More info on Tamarah: Postdoctoral research assistant | Earthquake geology COMET | Department of Earth Sciences | University of Oxford T: @tamarahking | W: tamarahking.com

Equipe organisatrice : Cycle sismique et déformations transitoires

Amphithéâtre Killian, Maison des Géosciences, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

Informations de visio :

Léa Pousse vous invite à une réunion Zoom planifiée.

Sujet : Seminaire cycle
Heure : 22 mars 2022 11:00 AM Paris

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