Séminaire ISTerre

Opportunities and Obstacles: Nordic Tales of Doing Seismology in Finland.

vendredi 26 mars 2021 - 11h00
Gregor Hillers - University of Helsinki, Finland
I try to give an impression of about four years of seismological research and teaching at the University of Helsinki since my departure from ISTerre.
Research topics have a strong focus on our local Enhanced Geothermal Stimulation experiment. I will talk mainly about the two deployments for the 2018 and 2020 experiments, introduce associated research projects, with an emphasis on some recent neat results in the context of ADR, array-derived rotational motion. I also touch briefly on a range of other topics including Focal Spot imaging and Fault Zone Head Wave analysis in Taiwan.
Some teaching aspects include the use of the collected array data in my ISTerre-based, updated "Signal Processing" course, and I will take the opportunity to introduce you to some University Pedagogy concepts I had the privilege to study.
I may conclude with some sentiments on communication in a "seemingly similar system".

Equipe organisatrice : Ondes et structures

Séminaire uniquement en visio

Informations de visio :

Meeting ID : 972 9576 3658
Passcode : 783219