Séminaire ISTerre

Gender parity: Private and professional life at ISTerre, feedbacks

vendredi 27 novembre 2020 - 09h30
Marielle Collombet, Nathalie Cotte, Pascal Lacroix - 
Program: * return of this summer's questionnaire by the parity group * 3 feedbacks: combine private and professional life, which difficulties, which choices? - Marielle Collombet, MdC at ISTerre Chambéry, Volcans team - Nathalie Cotte, CNRS research engineer at ISTerre Grenoble, Cycles team - Pascal Lacroix, CdR IRD at ISTerre Grenoble, GRE team * questions / round table This 'seminar' is aimed at all agents, women and men, and in particular students or young employees for whom life choices can be a headache. It will be held in English.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

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