Séminaire ISTerre

Lunar magnetism: from dynamos to impacts (Zoom meeting)

jeudi 23 avril 2020 - 11h00
Mark Wieczorek - CNRS, Observatoire Côte d'Azur
The Moon was once though to be a cold undifferentiated body that never could have been capable of generating an internal Earth-like magnetic  field. It thus came as a surprise to find that many of the lunar rocks collected during the Apollo missions were magnetized, and that orbital magnetic field data showed portions of the crust to be associated with large magnetic anomalies. The evidence that the Moon had a long lived magnetic field generated by a core dyanmo will be summarized in this talk, and the various models that have been proposed to power the dyanmo will described. The strongest magnetic anomalies appear to be correlate with the largest impact basin on the Moon, and it will be  argued that the materials responsible for these anomalies are derived from remnants of the iron-rich projectiles that formed these basins.

Equipe organisatrice : Grands Séminaires ISTerre

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