Stéphane GUEDRON

My field of research concerns the study of metals and metaloïds in the environment. My research activities focus on the understanding of geochemical cycles of elements in pedosystems and aquatic environments (lakes and surface waters) using analytical methods (chemical and physical speciation) for organometallic compounds speciation. I also develop lab and in situ experimentations to understand the reactivity (exchanges and transformations) of these compounds at the different environmental interfaces. I have special interest in investigating interactions with organisms such as the biotransformations by bacteria (mercury methylation), the bioaccumulation and the metabolisation by aquatic organisms (fish, chironomids). Finally, I have a special interest in paleo-environmental reconstitutions (lake sediments and peat bogs).

Publication list

Accepted Publications
60 - Vella M.A., Bièvre G., Delaere C., Thiesson J., Guérin R., Rivera-Casanovas C. and Guédron S., 2024. The hydraulic network of the pre-Hispanic city of Tiwanaku (…)

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Conference acta

Conference Acta
C. Heredia, A. T. Gourlan, B. Helly, H. Delile, G. Granier, A.Labouré, L. Audin, and S. Guédron. Lead and copper isotopic tracing of human exposure and ore sources during Roman (…)

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**IRD researcher
Phone +33- 476 635 198 (office 142)
Email stephane.guedron
Birth date : 01/16/1978, 2 child
2023 Research director IRD (Institute of Earth (…)

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