Séminaire ISTerre

Mineral formation by bacteria: mechanisms, history and geochemical implications

mardi 16 janvier 2024 - 09h30
Karim Benzerara - IMPMC
In this seminar, I will review some of our recent studies to illustrate how we study the formation of minerals by bacteria with the overall objective to better assess their impact on modern and past biogeochemical cycles. This will include the formation of stromatolites, infectious kidney stones, as well as intracellular CaCO3 and (Fe,Mn)-oxyhydroxides by cyanobacteria. I will highlight two major challenges for this work: (i) dealing with transient and poorly crystalline phases associated with organic-rich systems on one hand, and (ii) taking into account the very broad taxonomic and functional (from a geochemical point of view) diversity usually observed in the geobiological systems of interest. For this purpose, we conduct both field work and laboratory experiments and develop an interdisciplinary approach combining bioinformatics, molecular biology and mineralogy and geochemistry. I intend to explain why we need to do that as Earth scientists.

Equipe organisatrice : Minéralogie et Environnements

Amphithéâtre Killian, Maison des Géosciences, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères